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  • Writer's pictureRyan Miske

Thank you, Eden Prairie!

While last night’s results were not the outcome we hoped for, it has been an honor and a privilege to take part in our democratic process.

And I want to thank you for joining me on this journey.

Our campaign received over 15,000 votes. And to each and every one of you, I am grateful for your willingness to put your faith in me.

In spite of the unique conditions created by Covid-19, we had a fantastic team who worked tirelessly to get out our signs, make phone calls, and talk to their neighbors. It's hard to express how much I appreciate all your hard work.

I also want to congratulate Lisa Toomey and PG Narayanan. I’m proud of the campaigns we ran and the spirited debate on how to best serve the families of Eden Prairie. I wish them well in their service and look forward to working with them to ensure Eden Prairie remains one of the best places in the nation to live, work, and raise a family.

As someone who had never run for office before, I am very grateful for this experience. It has been a pleasure to engage with all of you and I appreciate our shared interest in keeping our future bright.

Ryan Miske

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